About | Why Smart Cells?
Cord blood and cord
tissue collections
Cord blood
UK sample success
Cord tissue
Parents worldwide are embracing the power of stem cell storage, with over 700,000 cord blood collections already in place around the globe. Smart Cells provide incomparable technological prowess and customer service to guarantee a painless process. So far, our released samples have proven immensely successful in their treatment applications.
We are proud to be part of FamiCord Group, the largest umbilical cord blood bank in Europe and the third largest globally. Our vast operations are a testament to our commitment to family cord blood banking and being trusted by families around the world.
Trusted by 500,000 families
With over 20 years of experience
#1 in Europe
Part of the FamiCord group, #3 in the world and present in 35 countries
1700+ Cord tissue therapies
The only family bank in Europe, making cord tissue and stem cells widely available for therapeutic use.
140+ Cord blood transplants
Stem cells delivered to 45+ countries worldwide
Leader in R&D
Providing personalised treatment for FamiCord Group clients
Affordable storage
Flexible payment options and a price match guarantee
Smart Cells samples save lives
Smart Cells proudly partners with the highest calibre of maternity hospitals and medical professionals — they value our research-based, top-quality approach more than any other. With more than three decades of expertise in this industry, our scientific director meticulously monitors the quality assurance process for every sample released. This guarantees that you always receive only the best possible results.
At Smart Cells, we value the things that matter to you.
Smart Cells’ team cares deeply about your child’s future and the planet. We are proud to collaborate with renowned medical scientists such as the Borne project, plus our supply chain partners reflect an identical commitment to sustainability as you do.
Cutting-edge technology, global reach
Our state-of-the-art laboratory guarantees that samples are dealt with and stored using the most advanced scientific methods and technology available. Our samples are conveniently stored near the airport, enabling us to swiftly collect and deliver them to any destination worldwide.
If you’re having difficulty locating, booking, and taking care of your own phlebotomy service in the UAE region, our 24/7 dedicated personnel is here to save you the hassle. With emergency contacts and call-out services available around-the-clock every day of the week, we are devoted to ensuring that all your needs are catered for!
Our commitment to offering exceptional customer service is unparallelled
At Smart Cells, we work with clients from all around the globe. Our team is here to help you in every step of your journey. With transparent pricing plans and honest services, we promise only authentic data on sample successes – no false claims are made. In addition, every fee associated with our services, such as maternal blood testing and shipping fees, is transparently outlined and guaranteed.
Our team is delighted to offer you detailed information regarding the use of samples for treatment and explain payment options.
Give your child the best chance possible in life. Our expert team can explain just how easy it is. They’re here to support you and talk through payment options.
Smart Cells Laboratory
The Smart Cells Laboratory is fully equipped with the latest technology to process and store cord blood in an optimal manner.
Our expertly trained technical staff process everything within a sterile, regulated atmosphere using – the most reliable industry standard for cord blood processing.
Our Quality Assurance team tests and validates samples for sterility and guarantees required stem cell counts and viable cell recovery.
Our facility is equipped with a state-of-the-art alarm system and an uninterruptible power supply in case of any electricity outages. Moreover, our environment is continuously watched over by an Advanced Facilities Management System for your peace of mind.
Smart Cells proudly holds a valid licence from the Human Tissue Authority
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