Before we talk about the relation between diabetes and stem cells, let’s talk about the disease. Diabetes is a long-term metabolic disorder marked by high blood sugar levels, which over time can cause significant harm to the heart, blood vessels, eyes, kidneys, and nerves. The most prevalent form is type 2 diabetes, typically seen in adults, which arises when the body becomes resistant to insulin or fails to produce enough insulin. Over the past 30 years, the incidence of type 2 diabetes has increased significantly across countries of all income levels. Type 1 diabetes, formerly referred to as juvenile diabetes or insulin-dependent diabetes, is a long-term condition where the pancreas produces little to no insulin on its own. For those with diabetes, having access to affordable treatment, including insulin, is essential for their survival. A globally agreed-upon goal aims to stop the increase in diabetes and obesity by 2025.
Approximately 422 million people worldwide have diabetes, with most residing in low- and middle-income countries. Each year, 1.5 million deaths are directly attributed to diabetes. Both the number of cases and the prevalence of diabetes have been steadily rising over the past few decades, and now we have hope with diabetes and stem cells.
Symptoms of type 1 diabetes include frequent urination, thirst, constant hunger, weight loss, vision changes, and fatigue, which may appear suddenly. Symptoms of type 2 diabetes are generally similar but often less pronounced, leading to a diagnosis several years after onset, usually after complications have developed. Therefore, being aware of risk factors is crucial.
Currently, type 1 diabetes cannot be prevented. However, effective strategies exist to prevent type 2 diabetes and mitigate the complications and premature deaths associated with all types of diabetes. These strategies include policies and practices implemented across entire populations and within specific environments (schools, homes, workplaces) that promote overall health. Key measures include regular exercise, healthy eating, avoiding smoking, and controlling blood pressure and lipid levels, benefiting everyone, whether or not they have diabetes.
The foundation for managing diabetes effectively is early diagnosis. The longer diabetes goes undiagnosed and untreated, the more likely it is to lead to poor health outcomes. Therefore, easy access to basic diagnostic tools, such as blood glucose testing, should be available in primary healthcare settings. Additionally, patients will need periodic specialist evaluations or treatment for any complications that arise.
Several affordable interventions can enhance patient outcomes, regardless of the type of diabetes they are managing. These include managing blood glucose levels through a mix of diet, physical activity, and medication as needed; maintaining healthy blood pressure and lipid levels to lower cardiovascular risks and other complications; and regular screening for eye, kidney, and foot damage to enable prompt intervention when necessary.
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Stem cell technology shows potential for treating type 1 diabetes. On December 11, 2023, a new study reported that an experimental device incorporating millions of stem cells greatly reduced the requirement for insulin injections in individuals with type 1 diabetes. Researchers believe this treatment holds promise for potentially curing the chronic and life-altering condition in the future. Diabetes and stem cells are closely linked in this innovative research.
Researchers from the University of British Columbia and Vancouver Coastal Health utilized miniature implants containing laboratory-cultivated pancreatic cells called VC-02. Published in the journal Nature Biotechnology, the study involved 10 participants who initially could not produce insulin naturally. After 6 months with the implant, three of them demonstrated notable improvement, spending more time within the normal blood sugar range and thereby reducing their reliance on external insulin.
David Thompson, MD, principal investigator at the Vancouver trial site and clinical director of the Vancouver General Hospital Diabetes Centre, expressed optimism: “The goal is to strengthen these cells enough to eliminate the need for insulin injections altogether. I anticipate this could evolve into a cure as early as 2024.”
Achieving stable insulin levels is pivotal in the management of diabetes. Presently, the predominant approach involves administering supplemental insulin to the body, commonly through injections using needles or via insulin pumps worn externally. This regimen necessitates patients monitoring their blood sugar levels multiple times daily and meticulously adjusting their insulin intake accordingly. While this method represents the current gold standard in care, researchers are actively exploring avenues to enhance the body’s capacity to produce or regulate its own insulin levels more effectively. This quest aims to potentially revolutionize diabetes treatment by reducing dependence on external insulin supplementation.
One approach currently under investigation involves the use of stem cells to generate insulin-producing islets within the pancreas. Although stem cell therapy has not yet achieved a definitive cure for type 1 diabetes, there have been documented instances where patients have experienced extended periods without requiring insulin injections. Certain clinical trials are exploring the application of cord blood stem cells specifically for the treatment of diabetes. Diabetes and stem cells are central to these pioneering efforts.
Treatment of type 1 diabetes using stem cells represents a promising field in medical research, aiming to produce pancreatic cells that produce insulin within the body. This technique involves transplanting modified stem cells into the pancreas to replace damaged or lost cells that cause diabetes. While this approach has not yet reached the stage of definitive treatment, it has shown promising results in some clinical trials. Diabetes and stem cells are seen as a potential game-changer in this context. Stem cells have, in some cases, led to significant improvement in patients’ ability to regulate blood sugar levels naturally, suggesting that this type of therapy could become part of comprehensive care for type 1 diabetes patients in the future. Researchers anticipate that this technology will evolve to enhance patients’ quality of life and reduce their reliance on external insulin injections, representing a significant step toward better control of this chronic disease. With diabetes and stem cells being a focal point of cutting-edge research, the future of diabetes management holds promise.
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